Bug Fixes & Item Uses
Hello all! We have a mini update for you with more info per our previous news post and some bug fixes.
๐ฆ Background & Companions Uses
All backgrounds and companions now have uses added to them. Use totals are based on bit or ingot cost. All items in your inventory will be updated to have the max number of uses. This means that a currently equipped item with 2 uses when removed from the horse will have 1.
- Ingot Backgrounds & Overlays - 3 uses
- Bit Backgrounds & Overlays - 1 use
- Companions - 4 uses, excluding Earthworms who have 2 uses.
๐ ๏ธ Repairing Tack
We have completed our thought process on tack uses and repairing after considering all possible scenarios and have concluded we will not be adding tack repair any time soon. We believe tack being used and removed from the site helps keep the economy flowing rather than having mass hoards of tack in inventories.
๐ง Tack & Item Viewer
We have plans for the tack and item viewer to be implemented soon, but it is a large task to complete which means most of our dev time will be put toward that. Our current process for the tack viewer is:
- Selecting a horse you wish to view tack and items on.
- Selecting from a drop-down of your own tack and items to view what each will look like per horse.
- Potentially adding the ability to view all possible pieces of tack and items but you cannot purchase the items from the viewer.
๐ฆ Bug Fixes
- Foals not being able to be entered into crossbreed halter shows is now fixed for both the halter page and foal page.
- Enter All 1 now properly enters all crossbreeds into halter shows.
- Various missing coat color layers have been fixed and are now viewable.
Have a great rest of the weekend!
Bedouin & Curly
1 minute ago!
Thank you for listening to our feedback!
The tack view option is seriously going to be SO appreciated!!! I'm REALLY looking forward to that!
Sounds great. Thanks for the update
That is... acceptable, in the overall. I can see the thought process for not implementing the tack repairs and can agree with it (though I still do want it!). Kudos for making a decision on it.
*Raises hand* I'm one of those with a vertible hoard of tack equipment! ๐ And OH! Do I like my hoard! ๐
I'll just have to purchase more! ๐
Thanks for the communication!
I understand the tack thing but I still hate it ๐
Edited to add that I second what Talitha said below me. I also mass equip/unequip tack so much that once the inventory I have is gone, I don't see any need aside from aesthetics to purchase any more. :/ Which is unfortunate because I really enjoyed it, but with so many horses I just don't really see the point because I won't be able to purchase my favorite tack again once the ones I have are gone.
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I'm having mixed feelings. I appreciate you attempting to update and add new options. And I understand the need to add new sources of revenue to upkeep costs.
However, I have a lot of disappointment with the addition of special tack, backgrounds, and companions into the limited uses. I have a budget myself and made the decision to purchase some of these items to support your site by balancing the cost with the use. Now the items I have purchased (including the new enchanted sets that you just released) have severely decreased in value relative to the amount I spent on them. I am disappointed this decision was not hinted at earlier as I feel like I have lost value from my entertainment budget by purchaing items that are now limited use.
I would have continued to buy a few special tack pieces as they are released as I have been doing, spending ingots to equip gems etc. – however I can no longer justify the real life cost of the items if they only last a few uses. I hope that you will find that enough members have the financial stability to continue to purchase these, equip gems to them, etc. But I know that I and others like me will not be able to do so. I will have to stick with basic tack from now on and am sad that I cannot participate in this part of the experience that feels locked behind increasingly high-cost pay walls.
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Just posting to let everyone know we're both around and reading and taking notes on replies/thoughts on everything, both here and on Discord. Both Bed and I are trying to take some mini-vacation time atm but are doing our best to fit in some updating and talking together based on what we see. This typically occurs early AM or late in the PM (also throughout the day as we have short breaks) so it sometimes may take us around 24+ hours to do fixes or respond. If it takes us a bit to respond or push another mini or full update know we aren't missing, just working on that work-life balance!
I don't think I can agree with tack being behind a paywall. Most of the tack is purchasable for bits, there is only occasionally tack available for ingots and not all special tack is for ingots, only some of it. It also isn't an unreasonable amount of ingots either. Tack also serves no purpose beyond being for aesthetics currently, so I can't look at the being behind a paywall either. There is plenty offered to us for bits, and a cheap amount of bits at that. I understand not being able to afford the ingots all the time but I don't think by any means it is unreasonable. That's just my take though
Thank you for considering our input on the tack situation.
I do agree that items having uses now that it will be more valuable than it once was, especially since it is not required for competing.
An item viewer is definitely something I'd like to see, specifically one that has all items that have existed on-site so people know they like something before they purchase it. I feel like that is definitely benefitial for items that cost ingots since you can "try before you buy".
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