Discipline & Halter Show Changes, New Things & Upcoming!

6/16/2022 12:49 pm

Happy Thursday! As we mentioned before, we’re ramping up development for future marketing in July. 


๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello, Welcome Wagon!

Congratulations to our new Welcome Wagon team Acoustic, Maki, mell, and Rivendell Stables! These four players are our new welcome wagon members who will be helping us greet new players and provide a bit more help support. You will see them around in the forums, Discord, and maybe in your messages offering help or answering any questions. If you see them around be sure to send them congrats!


๐Ÿ˜ Welcome New Players!

We have noticed an uptick in new players recently, and we wanted to give a hello to everyone. Welcome to HoFa! We hope you enjoy your time with us and have a wonderful time joining us on our development journey. As of now, HoFa is almost complete with our current plans centering around bug fixes with a splash of new content here and there. Bedouin and I are a small dev team who work mostly in our free evenings to get work done so our updates are typically smaller but we like to think we are chipping away at our work pretty consistently.


We want to help everyone join our community and feel welcome so on Monday, June 20th at 7 PM EST/game time Bedouin and I will be doing a live Q & A while I do a bit of coloring with input from you! We stream live from our Discord server so be sure to join early to meet everyone! A reminder will be sent around the time of this event so keep an eye out.


๐ŸŽ Discipline Energy Return

We have added in a request to add back energy for horses if you remove them from discipline shows. This has been added in today's update! Now you can remove horses from discipline shows and they will have energy given back to them.


๐ŸŽ Discipline Show Changes

We’ve had quite a bit of feedback about showing and after too many spreadsheets to count and testing on our testing server, we think we figured out a good solution! Discipline shows have had a few tweaks to ensure levels for horses are increasing at a better rate than before. Previously, foundation horses and horses in small shows got the short end of the stick so to say. These adjustments we will be monitoring to ensure the level gain balance for disciplines is fair compared to other paths. So what have we done?

  • Discipline shows now pay out many more horse points than before. This change ensures horses at all tiers and ranks will now receive more horse point benefits than before thus increasing the number of levels a horse earns in its lifetime. To give a figure to how big the change is an untrained 18-year-old foundation tier 1 horse previously could cap out at 119,700 points or a level 48. Now, the same horse will cap out at 245,700 points or a level 61. To note, a trained horse can potentially exceed this as it moves to a higher discipline rank.
  • This change also means the minimum possible horse point earnings have gone up as well. An untrained 18-year-old foundation tier 1 horse previously at minimum would cap out at 25,200 points or a level 28 (๐Ÿ˜ญ). Now, the same horse at a minimum will cap out at 50,400 points or level 36. To note, a trained horse can potentially exceed this as it moves to a higher discipline rank and/or places higher.
  • Smaller shows have always had a bit of a buffer added to them to ensure horses in higher ranked/tiered (usually fewer entered shows) are able to level as well. For example, a horse placing 3rd out of a show of 3 will be given horse points as if it placed 3rd out of 10 horses, earning more horse points, as compared to a horse placing last in a show of 100, earning fewer horse points.


Horses entered in shows today will see this benefit at rollover tonight! Now that this change is in place, we will also be reviewing career and halter show horse point payout. Our goal is to create more balance across the game while offering alternate gameplay options based on preference and playing style.


๐Ÿด Halter Show Changes

You asked, we considered and have finally decided to remove the 10-horse limit to halter shows. As of today, you can enter as many horses into a halter show as it allows. For example, a show with 0 entrants means you can enter 20 horses and auto-run that show. We hope this helps keep halter shows flowing well enough for those who use them to ensure no horses end up missing out on the opportunity to enter.


๐Ÿ’ž Stud & Brood Market

The stud market was a bit of a mess, to say the least, so today we have rebuilt the stud market AND fixed that forever loading bug. Who knew loading 8,000 horses at once would overload the server. Oops! The stud and brood market is now updated and ready to be used.


๐Ÿ  Boarding Centers

As a bit of a new change, we have made adjustments to boarding centers and how you board at them. A new community hub page has been added where you can view all of the boarding centers. This page allows you to view potential centers you can board your horses at. To access this page click the blue building in the lower left of the town map or click "Boarding Centers" in the Town navigation.


New for boarding center pages, we have added an option to select via the drop-down a boarding option: DIY, Part, or Full, as well as which horse to board. For upgraded users at bronze level or higher, on this page with the same options, you can board all possible horses in the center rather than selecting one by one.


On boarding center pages for center owners, we have updated the information to include more than just horse names. Now you can view the horse name, horse owner, and the option to manually kick the horse if it has broken any boarding rules.


โœ‰๏ธ More Emails

As we get more and more new players we have realized we are in need of more educational emails to be sent to them. In the coming weeks, we will be creating an email series for new players that highlights what we love about HoFa as well as valuable gameplay information. If you have any ideas as to what would have been most helpful to you as a new player, let us know! 


๐ŸŒŸ Other Changes

As a cosmetic change, the General Store and Construction now have tabs on the pages vs. the previous dropdown. We believe this is a bit cleaner but also helps everyone visualize all their options. 


๐ŸฆŸ Bug Fixes

  • For what seems like the 100th time, we’ve put in the fix for the Enter All 1. This time, we’ve extensively tested it and feel that we’ve conquered most of the issues. Please put any new issues in the Bug Box as usual.


๐Ÿ”ฎ Upcoming

When we made the announcement about BreyerFest, we talked about some of the things we wanted to accomplish before then. 


From that post: 

Before July, our priorities include (in no particular order):


  • Reduce the number of bugs in the game. โญ
  • Make sure the game is faster and can handle more players online at the same time. โญ
  • Fix quests and add the next quests. โœ…โญ
  • Make some changes to discipline and halter shows based on feedback we’ve seen. โœ…
  • Rebuild Herd Management so it works better for larger herds.
  • Release the first version of the explore system.
  • Add the Hall of Fame back into the game with more categories than before.
  • Complete the Feature Requests system.
  • Add in referral prizes.
  • Add in a tutorial email series for new accounts. โญ
  • … and more! (our list is quite long)


โœ…= complete, โญ= in progress


Beyond this list, we have a few things on the horizon:

  • Grade Images will be uploaded for all those requested by 6/14. We expect these to be in at the beginning of July
  • A new face will be joining the HoFa family soon. What could it be…?
  • We’re working on entering the next series of quests but this is a lengthy process and could be several updates from now.
  • We plan to release club halter shows! More details on this soon. 


Expect another update soon as we continue to chip away at our ever-growing list.



Bedouin & Curly

Rivendell Stables

Post Count: 91

6/16/2022 12:53 pm

Thanks for the congratz!!! I'm already really really enjoying being a Welcome Wagon member!!! Ty for adding me and the others onto the team!!!



Post Count: 68

6/16/2022 1:07 pm

Awesome updates! :) <3 



Post Count: 64

6/16/2022 1:16 pm



Thank you Bed & Curly for listening to feedback about the show system. This is a life-changing update and I want you to know how much I/we appreciate it! <3

Curly Admin

Post Count: 615

6/16/2022 2:04 pm

Added in a new update about discipline show energy return! 


Post Count: 942

6/16/2022 2:38 pm

Uh hey... I got a message about being accepted into being a Welcome Wagon member but I am not mentioned in this post nor did I get invited on Discord?

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 32

6/16/2022 3:05 pm

I'm really excited about the leveling update. Definitely looking forward to having better leveled foundation horses when they hit breeding age. Also really like the energy return update. I usually like to enter shows that run the next day but sometimes accidentally enter shows for the day after and felt lie I was wasting energy by doing so, so I'm happy to know I can now remove horses from those incorrectly entered shows.


Just out of curiosity, whatever happened to the last breed art update poll? We've had no updates on which breed won the last poll, nor when the new art is expected to be implimented and it seems like it's been a lot longer than when the appaloosa art was updated. 

Curly Admin

Post Count: 615

6/16/2022 3:09 pm

@Maki sending you another message! :D 

Curly Admin

Post Count: 615

6/16/2022 3:15 pm


For breed updated art we have the results of the poll but players will know once we release it in an art update. As of now we are playing catch up for planned releases and will be doing the updated art soon!


Post Count: 20

6/16/2022 3:27 pm

I'm so excited to see how the leveling changes play out with all my new foundies! Another great update, thank you!


Post Count: 28

6/16/2022 3:28 pm

Thank you soooo much for the boading update! It's saves so much time!!


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