Bug Fixes, Changes, & More!

4/07/2022 12:02 pm

Hello everyone and happy almost end of the week!

๐ŸฆŸ Bug Fixes & Changes

A couple of bugs have been fixed! Not only have bugs been squashed, but a new home page has also been added and will be continually worked on until we think it is perfect. :)

  •  Adult offspring on offspring lists will now no longer have their BS bar covering their names.
  •  There is now an error message for entering a brand with >4 characters.
  •  Tack can no longer be equipped to foals.
  •  Mass unequip errors have been fixed and now should only display horses with the selected item.

 Enter All 1 has some fixes & changes.

  •   Horses with <100% energy now can use EA1.
  •   Horses will be entered in all halter shows if they are registered if no discipline is set
  •   If a horse is not registered and has a discipline set, it will now enter all discipline shows.
  •   EA1 now enters secondary disciplines and will evenly distribute shows between primary and secondary if set.
  •   If there is enough energy for another discipline show, horses will automatically enter in the discipline shows to use up all the horse's energy
  • Shows list auto-refreshes after using EA1.

๐ŸŒˆ Feature Fixes

Bedouin and I are still working on feature fixes and will be focusing on one feature each week to ensure all associated bugs are worked out. Our next feature to tackle will be searches and filtering such as horse sale search and filtering those results. Expect this update to be posted on April 14. Once we are confident current bugs are officially gone for good, we will continue where we left off on new features!

๐Ÿด Appaloosa Redo

A sneak peek of our upcoming Appaloosa has been spotted on HoFa social media. Be sure to follow HoFa on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for special sneak peeks and more! 

โœจ Spring Ingot Sale

Spring is in the air which means Amy is having her yearly ingot sale! Ingot bundles are on sale for up to 35% off. During the spring sale, Will has brought back some ingot items in his store to help clear out some items sitting in his storage.  Will and Amy will be holding their sales from now until April 11th at 11:59 EST/game time.


Have a wonderful rest of the week!



Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 975

4/07/2022 8:24 pm

I still didn't see anything different in those posts ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚


Post Count: 30

4/07/2022 8:44 pm

Thank you, awesome new page btw.


Post Count: 19

4/07/2022 9:13 pm

Still not quite right. If you look at this horse, https://horsefable.com/horse/1258488, you see she has the Cherry Blossom background. But according to her equipped page, all she is equipped with is the Fire and Ice tack. Even on the Unequip option, I see that no horse has the cherry blossom background.

Don't mind me... I'm over here thinking...


Post Count: 19

4/07/2022 9:28 pm

And.... entering shows, with only 1 discipline, only enters half. Have to manually enter remaining shows.

Don't mind me... I'm over here thinking...

Bedouin Admin

Post Count: 52

4/08/2022 8:48 am

@Rachelle, thanks for pointing out these 2 issues! I've pushed up a fix for both.


Post Count: 510

4/08/2022 1:15 pm

very excited to see the new appys ๐Ÿ™


Post Count: 19

4/09/2022 11:55 am

One more thing. On the unequip page/portion, it is showing everything available, whether owned or not. If I scroll down to the bottom of the list, the last items are Imaginary Friend and Quartz Shamrock green western pad, followed by the same thing, but different gems. Am I correct in assuming that isn't right? 

Don't mind me... I'm over here thinking...

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