March Madness Update!

3/08/2022 12:24 pm

Hello everyone and happy day 4 of March Madness!


Time Changes

Starting today the time in which the daily contest and auctions are posted will be changed. Today's March Madness has already been posted to the Games & Contest form and will be open until 12:30 PM EST/ game time tomorrow.

The market auctions will now be posted after each daily contest with bids accepted at 9:45 AM EST/ game time starting tomorrow. That means those put in auction today and those put up yesterday, will have bids accepted March 9th at 9:45 AM EST/game time.


Market Auctions

Special market auctions are still ongoing and will begin ramping up toward the end of the week with more auctions per day and even more variety! As a reminder, the time for accepting bids is now 9:45 AM EST/game time.



Bedouin and Curly

Kimchi Salad

Post Count: 65

3/08/2022 4:35 pm

Kind of disappointed to hear about the time change for the auctions. I expect a lot of people will be at work or school at that time, so it'll be hard to get bids in before it closes.


Post Count: 29

3/08/2022 6:42 pm

Thank you for the update Curly :) 


Post Count: 996

3/08/2022 8:24 pm

Where do you even access auctions at?


Post Count: 168

3/08/2022 8:29 pm

@Maki - they are being held via the Marketplace. They are listed as GAME AUCTION - and then whatever the horse is! They're going for bits or ingots,  new ones go up daily. 


Post Count: 996

3/09/2022 6:36 pm

oh okay, i wondered how I would know haha I looked and didn't see any but I didn't look past first page either. Thank you


Post Count: 6

3/16/2022 5:29 pm

thanks u for the updates 

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