2022 March Madness, Specials Sales & Upcoming!

3/05/2022 1:36 pm

Hello everyone! We have an exciting post today to announce our first ever, March Madness!


✨ March Madness

For the next week, daily competitions will be posted to the Games & Contests forum for all to enter. Each day, a new competition will be hosted that runs for 24 hours with prizes being given per entry!


How does it work?

Each day a new contest will be posted to the Games & Contests forum. These will all center around breeding a foal that matches the contest description. All foals that are entered, and fulfill the current contest requirements, will earn a prize. While the foal with the highest score is awarded the top prize. At the end of the competition, the player with the most total combined points from the week will win 5 magic tokens and a free breeding to my leopard Irish Cob, Leos Grand Entrance or leopard Tennessee Walker,  Dun Been Spotted. Leo and Dun are unique in their fewspot coats and are carrying the genes needed to potentially breed a variation of the Lp gene into Irish Cobs or Tennessee Walking Horses. 


Today's contest is up and open for entries! Our first contest has a top prize of 25,000 bits and 250 ingots with a prize per entry. Gallop on over and check it out here.


🦄 Special Market Sales

Some marking variations have been fairly elusive to everyone and have proven quite difficult to find. However, we want to help get those extra special genes out there, and what better way to do it than well… sending them out there!

During this week we will be posting horses for sale in the market that have special genes featuring some hard to come by variations. Auctions will be posted in both bit and ingot offer types so everyone may participate. Keep an eye out during the day to spot any of these new sales! What do you hope to see? 👀

Edit: Market sales will have the highest bids accepted at 8:00 PM EST/ game time each day starting March 6th.


🔮 Upcoming

Both Bedouin and I have been busy tending to real life but are hard at work in the background fixing quite a few of the current bugs and issues. We have been working mostly behind the scenes due to most of the bugs proving to be quite difficult to nail down. However, no bug has proven too difficult for us thus far! We would like to note that most issues with images such as tack and horses require a manual fix by me, Curly, and can be squashed fairly quickly. If you have an open report about a horse image issue I have done my best to filter through and fix them all. It is possible I have missed a few so if you have an open image report feel free to direct message me and I'll look into asap. :)

Also, St. Patrick's day is just ahead which means the return of two festive St. Patrick's day saddle pads. These pads are a great addition to storage rooms for those who love to customize their horses! We expect these new pads to ship from the capital around the holiday and be available until the end of the month. 


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



Bedouin & Curly



Post Count: 2

3/05/2022 2:49 pm

At Swifts there is Whit Irs Cob! Think ready to breed with spots!


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