Breeding cooldown suggestions

Talitha [Bronze || 146 posts] on 3/04/2022 6:19 pm

1) Allow private breeding requests to be submitted while a horse is on cooldown. 


2) Change the breeding cooldown to a day-based, rather than an hour-based system. Everything else about a horse's life (aging, dying, energy refresh) updates based on the day. Right now if you're late logging on one day and doing your breedings, it impacts the time you can log in next week and so on. With a day count down, you would still only be able to breed mares once a week and stallions every 2 days. 


Post Count: 64

3/04/2022 6:41 pm

I agree. This makes a lot of sense and would take off some pressure to breed at certain times, or have to freeze your account if you know you will miss it. 


Post Count: 282

3/04/2022 10:43 pm

I definitely agree on allowing private requests to be submitted when a horse is on cooldown, the same for if the horse is hungry/thirsty.


As for the breeding cooldown being changed to day-based rather than hour based I disagree as it seems like that could be cheesed/taken advantage of if people had enough energy to do it.

Edited 1 times



Post Count: 138

3/05/2022 1:39 am

I have to agree with both, especially knowing the cool-down on mares (haven't paid attention to stallions) is bugged. That would be great of the cool-down ended at roll-over. For example: mare bred on wednesday is available after the roll-over next wednesday.

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 37

3/05/2022 7:54 am

@Raine - how do you see it being bugged with energy? If you breed your mare Sunday the cooldown would begin and not end until the next Sunday. Still would only be able to breed the mare once a week. 


Post Count: 282

3/05/2022 9:00 am

I didn't mean bugged with the amount of energy the horse has. I mean I definitely can think of a situation where a player could try to take advantage of that kind of the change with breeding. Like the player having the energy to cheat the system, not the horse.


I don't really want to spell out exactly what I believe could happen just out of my own precautions about discussing possible cheating.



Post Count: 33

3/05/2022 9:22 am

I hope the devs will be able to discuss possibilities and make sure that doesn't happen, but I do think there is a better solution out there then the current hour-based system.


Post Count: 60

3/05/2022 12:56 pm

Agree to both. Breeding is already so challenging and time sensitive. I too would love to see a day-based timing. Sometimes I have time to take care of breeding in the morning, sometimes I can only log in for the evening...many times I missed a mare's last breeding before she auto-retired because I wasn't able to log in during the last couple hours she was available for her final breeding.

Mary Smith

Post Count: 105

5/17/2022 2:45 pm

I completely support the two ideas! 


Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds๐ŸŽ


Post Count: 34

5/17/2022 4:09 pm

Support both.


Post Count: 43

6/03/2022 4:58 pm

Support, it's annoying to have to play the game at the same time every day or miss out.

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