Add a button to create the same shows as yesterday

Minjin Kkachi [Basic || 2 posts] on 1/12/2022 1:25 am

On the "Manage Estate Shows" page, you have to create your shows manually every time. I would love a button that says "Recreate Previous Shows" or the like, and it'll just go through and create the same set of shows as on the previous day (which are shown to the player on the same page).

I like creating shows in a few different disciplines, and this would make it a lot more fun to do so every day.


Post Count: 3

1/12/2022 4:03 am

Yes, I would love this!!


Post Count: 918

1/13/2022 7:26 pm

That would make it so much easier. I never go back and make shows haha


Post Count: 8

8/01/2022 8:30 am

I would love to be able to see what shows I create previously. I have noticed that some shows make more income than others and it would be helpful to see what discipline those were! I never remember what type of show I created once it has run!


Post Count: 43

8/01/2022 2:25 pm

A+++, support


Post Count: 483

8/01/2022 5:26 pm



Post Count: 19

8/04/2022 11:09 pm

I would love this! Huge support!!


Post Count: 94

8/05/2022 12:05 am

This would be fabulous! I enjoy mixing it up and creating shows that have a lower create count, but this would be an amazing feature on days you're short on time or mental energy. lol.


image host


Post Count: 26

3/21/2023 2:26 am



Post Count: 7

3/21/2023 5:51 am


๐ŸŽTo all have a great day โ˜บ๏ธ and for whatever type of work you do, I think you for it, because everyone should be thanked for their hard work ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ 


Post Count: 182

3/21/2023 12:59 pm




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