[Club] Make Contributor members able to accept applications.

SweetChinMusic [Bronze || 138 posts] on 12/20/2021 8:14 am

According to the wiki, there is different type of club members but only the president can currently accept applications. The proposed idea is to make contributor members able to accept applications (without being able to change club settings).

The reason is simply because life can get in the way and/or presidents aren't always much active. That means applications pile up for an unknown amount of time which can cause trouble for some player's projects.


Post Count: 43

2/17/2022 3:53 pm

Agreed, I have several horses stuck on 'Applied' and I'm not sure if it's because the horse is not accepted or because the player is not active.


Post Count: 146

2/17/2022 3:59 pm


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