Horse Fable Spreadsheet
This is all so helpful, thank you!!
Hey so on my sheet if I look at the price and stuff I get it all fine except PS Rank which shows #REF! which then shows results PS and then down in the totals as well. What is causing that?
Hey Maki!
I would have to see your sheet to figure the error. #REF! usually happens when a cell reference is no longer active, or has moved.
When I view download or copy the price calculator it turns into the Fable Sheet Master Copy and there is no price calculator. Is that supposed to happen?
Edit: I go by the same name on Discord, can I message you there with some screenshots?
Edited 1 times
@JustJo - Hey there! I don't know that Alf is actively playing right now but I can try to help answer questions about their spreadsheet since I use it pretty regularly.
Are you making a copy of their spreadsheet? When you click their link you should then click "File > Make a Copy" and then you can rename it if you want at this point. Once you do that, you'll get an editable version of the spreadsheet. It will automatically default to opening the "TABLES" tab so if you want to get back to the price calculator, you'll just have to click the 'PRICE' tab. Feel free to message me on discord if you have more questions!
@Roze Thank you once again! You're a life saver!
Hi! Is this spreadsheet still available?
@Magpiebrain - it is no longer listed here due to OP deleting. However, a lot of players still use this and could likely send a clean copy and help you through how it works. I may still have it on my laptop and could try getting it to you once I get a chance, or you could join the Discord (if you aren't already there - I highly suggest joining either way for quick help and to see ads and such posted there!) and ask if anyone could send you a clean copy.
Thank you!
So I've been tinkering with the spreadsheet for a while, again thank you so much!
I'm getting some errors and I think I'm missing some things, could you help?
1. In the Data sheet in the first column (the one that says BV) it just says N/A and when I hover over it is says "the value Arabian was not found in the MATCH evaluation". What does that mean?
2. On the BS sheet I have to put in perfect values, but I don't know where to find those?
3. On the Data sheet, the column that says PS hasn't automatically filled for any horse; I filled it in myself was that correct?
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