[READ ME] Help Rules
Curly [Admin || 622 posts] on 11/08/2021 9:19 am
- All posts must pertain to getting help. Other posts will be moved and warning given.
- It is highly suggested that you read the FAQ and Help guide before posting. Staff may direct you to the help guide if the answer to your question can be found there.
- Help posts should have enough detail for staff and others to provide help. "Ex. Whats wrong with my horse?" is difficult to give help to. A link to your horse and help you are needing (Ex.The images isn't showing up) is beneficial.
- Titles should be descriptive. Ex. "Help Me!" is not descriptive. "My Horse Wont Eat" or "Missing Transaction" is descriptive.
- Help is to be used for game help only. Requesting help for outside of Horse Fable is not allowed. "Ex. My dog is acting funny. What should I do?" will be deleted and a warning given.
- Help posts will be answered ASAP by staff or other players. If you are needing immediate help please contact Curly or a mod for help. Be aware, Curly and mods will reply ASAP and may take some time to respond.
- If your help issue is something that may be taken advantage of please message Curly and open a support ticket. Ex. The custom generator gave me two horses instead of one. What do I do?"
- If an issue arises with a player you must open a support ticket and directly message Curly and/or a mod. Posting about player issues is not allowed. Ex. "PlayerName is being mean to me. Here are screenshots. Make them stop!"
- Posting a help request multiple times is not allowed. Extra posts will be deleted and help on the original post may be delayed due to staff cleaning the forum.
- Posts that have been answered will be left open for 1 week then deleted. Posts that may be beneficial to others will be kept. Ex. How to care for your horse.
- Only bump posts once a day. Bumping more than once will be considered spamming the recent posts box. Excessively bumped posts will be locked and potential forum ban given.
- This list is not all-inclusive and other instances may occur that are not covered here. These will be looked at and handled on a case by case basis.
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