[READ ME] Help Rules

Curly [Admin || 622 posts] on 11/08/2021 9:19 am

  1. All posts must pertain to getting help. Other posts will be moved and warning given.
  2. It is highly suggested that you read the FAQ and Help guide before posting. Staff may direct you to the help guide if the answer to your question can be found there.
  3. Help posts should have enough detail for staff and others to provide help. "Ex. Whats wrong with my horse?" is difficult to give help to. A link to your horse and help you are needing (Ex.The images isn't showing up) is beneficial. 
  4. Titles should be descriptive. Ex. "Help Me!" is not descriptive. "My Horse Wont Eat" or "Missing Transaction" is descriptive. 
  5. Help is to be used for game help only. Requesting help for outside of Horse Fable is not allowed. "Ex. My dog is acting funny. What should I do?" will be deleted and a warning given.
  6. Help posts will be answered ASAP by staff or other players. If you are needing immediate help please contact Curly or a mod for help. Be aware, Curly and mods will reply ASAP and may take some time to respond. 
  7. If your help issue is something that may be taken advantage of please message Curly and open a support ticket. Ex. The custom generator gave me two horses instead of one. What do I do?"
  8. If an issue arises with a player you must open a support ticket and directly message Curly and/or a mod. Posting about player issues is not allowed. Ex. "PlayerName is being mean to me. Here are screenshots. Make them stop!" 
  9. Posting a help request multiple times is not allowed. Extra posts will be deleted and help on the original post may be delayed due to staff cleaning the forum. 
  10. Posts that have been answered will be left open for 1 week then deleted. Posts that may be beneficial to others will be kept. Ex. How to care for your horse.
  11. Only bump posts once a day. Bumping more than once will be considered spamming the recent posts box. Excessively bumped posts will be locked and potential forum ban given.
  12. This list is not all-inclusive and other instances may occur that are not covered here. These will be looked at and handled on a case by case basis.

Curly Admin

Post Count: 622

5/11/2022 1:50 pm


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