[READ ME] Other Sites Rules

Curly [Admin || 618 posts] on 11/08/2021 9:07 am

  1. Posts that are inactive over 3 months will be deleted.
  2. Players are allowed 2 posts. Posting more than two posts will result in a warning and your extra post(s) being deleted.
  3. If you want a post deleted, contact a mod and rename the post to "DELETE ME".
  4. Limit the length of post titles. "Solitaire Game" is a reasonable title. " Join this really awesome solitaire game with me and my friends!" is very long. Long titles may be edited by staff to keep the forum less cluttered. 
  5. Only bump posts once a day. Bumping more than once will be considered spamming the recent posts box. Excessively bumped posts will be locked and potential forum ban given.
  6. Posts and comments are to be kept respectful and follow all site rules. Staff will give a warning via the post should any discussion break HoFa rules.
  7. This is not an exhaustive list and can be edited at any time. Anything not encompassed in this list will be handled by staff on a case by case basis.

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