[READ ME] Art Gallery Rules

Curly [Admin || 600 posts] on 11/08/2021 9:02 am

  1. Only art for sale is to be posted to the art sales forum or Discord advertisement channel. Art for show is to be posted to the Art Show forum of Discord art-show channel.
  2. All art using someone else's lines or references (etc.) must be credited in the forum post,even if they specify credit is not needed, or other required way by the original artist both in our forums and Discord server. 
  3. Only art that is allowed to be used outside of its original source maybe post to Horse Fable forums or Discord server. Ex. A photo from DeviantArt that does not give permission to be used off DeviantArt or as a reference is not allowed.
  4. Sales of art are a mutual agreement. Payment for art may be request upfront but, failure to provide the art service will result in loss of that payment and warning/ban. Failure to provide payment for art will result in the players inability to use the art and warning/ban. 
  5. If art sold on Horse Fable is found to be somewhere not allowed by the Horse Fable artist, action will be taken to remove the art and warnings/ban will be given.
  6. All art sold on Horse Fable is not to be modified, given away, sold, edited (etc.) unless given permission by the original selling artist. 
  7. Horse Fable game art and game assets including but not limited to world art, horse images, icons etc. are allowed for use off-site/Discord server. 
  8. Any use of Horse Fable art or assets off Horse Fable requires a (c) Horse Fable clearly stated on the image. Failure to do so will result in reports to the off-site entity or in-game warning.
  9. Horse Fable art or assets is not allowed for any sales unless permission is given by admin.
  10. Claiming someone else's art as your own will result in a first warning and then bans.
  11. This list is not all-inclusive and other instances may occur that are not covered here. These will be looked at and handled on a case by case basis.


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