[READ ME] Player Development Ideas Rules
Curly [Admin || 619 posts] on 11/08/2021 8:55 am
- Posts should pertain to player ideas. Other posts will be moved and a warning given.
- Duplicate ideas will be locked and deleted after 1 day. The poster will be notified to post in the original idea post.
- Conversations about ideas should be kept civil and productive. Post will be locked if they are not.
- Ideas that are older than 3 months will be deleted after review by staff.
- Staff reviews posts and may delete or lock any posts will is accepted/rejected before the 3 month period. A running list of posted ideas is kept.
- Ideas should be kept reasonable and productive. "Ex. You guys should add dragons and MMA style fighting!" or "It would be awesome if horses could morph into butterflies and sing me pop songs!"
- Only bump posts once a day. Bumping more than once will be considered spamming the recent posts box. Excessively bumped posts will be locked and potential forum ban given.
- This is not an all-encompassing list and rules will be added as needed. Any issues that may arise will be checked by staff and appropriate action taken.
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