[READ ME] Games & Contest Rules

Curly [Admin || 618 posts] on 11/08/2021 8:45 am

  1. Posts that do not fit into Games & Contests will be moved to the correct forum and warning given. 
  2. Games and contests are not allowed to be for profit. Ex. You sell tickets for 1 credit, winner of the ticket draw gets 50% of the prize and you keep 50% as personal profit. 
  3. It is expected all games and contests that have a time limit (Ex. The game will begin on May 17th and end July 1st.) be completed and prizes sent. Failure to finish a game or contest is disappointing to those who join.
  4. Games and contests that have ended need to be marked DELETE ME for staff to delete.
  5. Posts older than 3 months will be deleted.
  6. Only bump posts once a day. Bumping more than once will be considered spamming the recent posts box. Excessively bumped posts will be locked and potential forum ban given.
  7. This is not an all-encompassing list and rules will be added as needed. Any issues that may arise will be checked by staff and appropriate action taken.


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