How to Add Images to Anything
Kaye [Platinum || 128 posts] on 6/03/2021 9:43 pm
Hello! This is not hard but is confusing if you're not super familiar with fiddling around with text boxes. So here's how to do it!
1. Click the three dots in the upper right of the text box.
2. Click the <> symbol.
3. Input the following HTML: <img src="URL">
4. Click the <> symbol again. If you don't, and just hit "reply" or "save," the image will not show.
5. If you want to center, click and drag to highlight the image, then click the center button at the top of the text box.
6. Ta-da!
Hit "reply" or "save" and you're good to go.
If a video is easier for you to follow, here's a video Roze made of the same process!
Thank you so very much!!! I have not coded in ages!!
Creator of the Norlandics, Cowboy Cadillac, and the Pulling Ponies
It is line breeding if it turns out right, otherwise it is just inbreeding.
aaaah thank you Kaye! here's to so many less broken images on the forums :)
No problem! Just added a super helpful video Roze made of the same process if video is easier for folks to follow :D
this is not working for me, and my image either shows up as a broken one or as plain text, as it is now.. I've tried this method as well as uploading it to Eqc, and linking it with the hotbar "insert image" option. :(
Hi rookk! I had no issue getting the image to show. Are you trying to do this on a mobile device or are you on a computer? What browser are you using? When you enter the HTML code are you making sure to turn off code view by clicking the <> off so that you see the image before hitting save/reply? That step is super important!
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I figured out my mistake - I didn't hit the button again as Roze mentioned. So sorry for the trouble, and thank you!
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Odd question, but where are you guys getting the pride banners from? I'd like to put one in my description
Insert something witty here.
Kaye made them for pride month last year but I think the topic has been deleted since the switch to HoFa? Maybe you can contact Kaye to ask if you can get one?
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