[GRADE HORSES] Image Request

Curly [Admin || 618 posts] on 2/28/2021 8:02 pm

Have you managed to breed a grade horse that has defaulted to the generic cross art? Use the form below to submit for an image layer to be made then message Curly that a request has been posted.

Horse: (Hyperlinked)

Need layer color: (Gene/layer/color name etc.)

Read about grade horses here.


View the master list of completed images here.


All submitted horses for grade images MUST have aged up to adult art in order to request grade images. This will reduce the number of requests for layers we already have in place.

**NEW**  We will miss markings in edited comments and it will take longer to get those layers done as we update the sheet daily and go off that. You must make a new post per layer.



Post Count: 81

4/11/2021 2:14 pm


Post Count: 181

7/03/2021 11:25 pm

Horse: Lilac Roan Leopard -with bcs
Horse: Seal Bay Sabino Varnish Roan
Horse: Standard Chestnut Varnish Roan -with bcs
Horse: Blue Roan Varnish Roan -with bcs
These guys have 2 weeks to age up which gives plenty of time :D

Edited 1 times

"And if she is in your life, you must know she believes you're a battle worth fighting for." -JM Storm <3


Post Count: 281

7/20/2021 12:38 am

Shetland Pony with varnish blanket - https://eqcetera.com/horse/1151424


Post Count: 181

7/21/2021 12:04 am

https://eqcetera.com/horse/1151691 Brown Bay Leopard
https://eqcetera.com/horse/1151690 Standard Chestnut Sabino Leopard

"And if she is in your life, you must know she believes you're a battle worth fighting for." -JM Storm <3

Curly Admin

Post Count: 618

7/21/2021 8:41 am

StirFry, those layers have been completed. 


Post Count: 4

7/24/2021 5:47 am

Grade Clydesdale :

https://eqcetera.com/horse/1143656 Chocolate Palomino
https://eqcetera.com/horse/1139736 Golden Palomino
https://eqcetera.com/horse/1151541 Buckskin  


Post Count: 281

7/27/2021 1:35 am

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