Norwegian Blackie [Basic || 12 posts] on 11/03/2022 12:12 am

Has been resolved

~Norwegian Blackie~

~Norwegian Sport Horse~

~Norwegian Fjord Horse~

~Manchado Thoroughbred~


Post Count: 136

11/03/2022 8:39 pm

Per Campaign rules: 

"Launch Phase

The launch phase involves choosing the name of your crossbreed and what percentages of breeds it is made up of. This cannot be edited later so when submitting you must be sure the name and percentages are correct. This must be approved by Admins before continuing the campaign."


So unfortunately if you already have this crossbreed campaign submitted and approved, it cannot be changed out. 

Norwegian Blackie

Post Count: 12

11/04/2022 12:02 am

Alright, thank you! Was just realizing I should have named it Norwegian Barouqe Horse, not Norwegian Sport Horse as I just created a more sporty version lol. That one is called Norwegian Warmblood, but it should have been Norwegian Sport and the Sport Should have been Barouqe XD Oh well, i'll survive lol

Edited 1 times

~Norwegian Blackie~

~Norwegian Sport Horse~

~Norwegian Fjord Horse~

~Manchado Thoroughbred~

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