How does the TB work?

Malin² [Basic || 2 posts] on 8/09/2022 12:41 pm

Hey there!

I have a question regarding Breeding and the Training Boost. I am no native speaker, so I might be missing something. The Wiki tells me the following rule for the Training Boost: 


"Training boost is calculated by averaging a breeding pair’s level and diving by 10. (Stallion Leve + Mare Level / 10 = Foal Training Boost"


I thought that this means if - as an example - two level 40 horses are bred with each other, the TB of the foal will be 8 (40+40=80 -> 80/10=8). But somehow it doens't seem to work like this.


These two horses are level 38 and 52:


This is their foal:


(38+52)/10 would be 9, but the foal has a TB of 3. Can someone explain me the reason for that? What am I missing? At this point I am beginning to feel confused :D Do they have to be at least level 50 or higher for the rule to work?


Thank you!


Post Count: 51

8/09/2022 12:57 pm

To earn your full TB, you need to complete foal training. Once that is complete, it'll have the full! 

Here is the wiki on it: Foal Training | Horse Fable Wiki 


Post Count: 2

8/09/2022 1:01 pm

Oh my god, thank you! That really explains a lot 😁 I don't want to know how long it would have taken me to figure that out by myself ... 😅

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